Children In Worship Services

Children In Worship Services

What we desire

We want our children to treasure Jesus, to become filled with the awe of God, and to have their souls supremely satisfied in Him for a lifetime.

How Sunday Worship helps accomplish this

There is no direct command in the Bible to have children in worship services, but it is a place where they can hear about the glorious deeds of the Lord and hear about His might and wonders. Deuteronomy 6 speaks of the importance of parents teaching their children about a God-centered life. Family worship on Sundays is an key component of that daily and weekly instruction.

The role of parents

If Mom and Dad have a sense of awe as they worship God, and their lives reflect God-centeredness, then their children will likely catch it.  Children who see their parents pray fervently, sing wholeheartedly, listen intently, and give cheerfully are likely to catch the spirit of meeting with the living God. Our example is crucial.


In so much of life today, the family is fragmented. Sunday morning worship should be a counter to that trend where we have a shared experience that honors God and enhances family unity.  

Eternity will involve either worship of God or separation from God. We encourage parents to do everything possible to cultivate God-centered joy in their children at the prospect of an awe-inspiring relationship with God. A primary part of this is worshipping together as a family.

Some tips

  • Have your children get a drink and visit the restroom before the worship service.
  • Be sure your children bring their Bibles with them and help them locate verses.
  • Encourage note-taking. If there is an outline, help them fill it in. Review it late in the day.
  • Help your children get to know others in their church family during the greeting time. This will make them feel more at home.
  • Help your children become acquainted with the pastors, so they know and respect them.
  • If children need a diversion, have an option for them such as reading or drawing.
  • If your children begin creating a distraction for others, feel free to use our family room or the foyer until you can return to your seats.
  • Do not allow children to run down the aisles, climb on chairs, or play near the platform. Teach them to be conscious of the elderly.

Do not underestimate your children’s ability to benefit from the worship service including the sermon. They may not understand everything, but you may be surprised what they do get!