Like all families and all churches, we have our own style and personality. Here are a few of the things that make us unique. If you have any questions about any of these distinctives, please feel free to talk with anyone in leadership at our church.
Church Leadership:
We don’t have a senior pastor. Instead we are led by a team of pastors (often called “elders”) who seek direction from God and make decisions together. These men all have different gifts, personalities and backgrounds, which helps to bring a well-rounded perspective to the leadership of our church. Our elders are also assisted by a team of deacons, who care for some of the more practical matters of our church life. For more information on our church staff, check out the “Staff” page under “About.”
Preaching Schedule:
We don’t have the same man preach each Sunday. Instead, we are blessed to have a team of men who take turns preaching. At times these men team up to preach through a series together. At other times these men have freedom to choose their own sermon topic or preach through their own sermon series. To listen to past messages, go to the “Sunday Services” page under “Messages.”
We’re not part of a denomination or fellowship of churches. We’re simply an independent, Bible-believing church. However, we do believe in the value of working with others: We seek to work with other evangelical churches in our area, we partner with a number of Christians organizations in our common quest to advance the Gospel both locally and globally, and we are affiliated with The Gospel Coalition network of churches.
We don’t have a formal church membership where you have to sign on a dotted line to become a part of our church. However, we do know those who come to Neighborhood Church regularly, and we seek to see that everyone is cared for and grows in Christlikeness. If you’re not already part of our church family, we’d love to have you join us! Any member of our church leadership team would be glad to help you find your place in our church.
We don’t pass an offering plate down the rows each week, and we don’t speak often about giving. However, we do believe in the biblical practice of tithing and do pray that we will be a family of believers who give joyfully and faithfully. We have offering boxes inside in the auditorium by the rear doors where people can put their tithes and offerings. For more information on giving, check out the “Giving” tab on our website.