Financial Support for Short-Term Mission Trips

Financial Support for Short-Term Mission Trips

Why should I go?

Christ intends for every follower to take up the mantle of establishing His Church in all people groups (Matthew 28:18-20; Luke 24:46-47; Acts 1:8). One way to share in this call is through short-term mission trips, which can be beneficial on a variety of levels:

  • For individuals, as their worldview is expanded
  • For our church, by keeping missions before us
  • For the world, as the Gospel is advanced

Whom is Neighborhood Church willing to support?

At its own discretion, our Leadership Team may decide to partner with those going on short-term trips who meet the following criteria:

  • Has been a part of NCAC for at least one year
  • Is able to demonstrate participation in all four aspects of our church’s discipleship process
  • Is open to pursuing greater involvement in missions
  • Is willing to go through a training process by a mentor
  • Plans to go with a recognized organization whose doctrinal statement aligns with NCAC’s

How do you prioritize support for short-term trips?

Consideration for financial support will be given in the following order of priority:

  • Those going to serve with workers or among people groups with whom NCAC is already invested
  • Those heading to ministries that directly or indirectly support church planting among unreached peoples
  • Those pursuing humanitarian ministries—though such ministries must include evangelism and discipleship

How do I go about requesting support?

  • Start by talking with Nick Braito prior to submitting an application with a mission organization
  • Submit a written application for financial support
  • Submit any requested letters of recommendation
  • Begin meeting with a mentor from our church (or from the sending organization if that is approved)
  • Receive approval from the Elder Team for support

What might Neighborhood Church agree to do?

Note that we strongly encourage those going on short-term trips to first seek support from family and friends. However, upon approval of an application, we may agree to one or more of the following:

  • A direct-mail of a support letter to church members
  • An up-front appeal for support to our church family
  • An announcement in the Sunday Bulletin 
  • A recommendation to visit home groups
  • Giving a grant towards a portion of support needs

What will be expected from me when I return from my trip?

  • Meet with Nick Braito and/or other leaders to debrief on your experience
  • Send thank you cards to all financial supporters
  • Pursue opportunities to share with our church body
  • Be prepared to explain how you will continue to seek involvement in global missions

Want to know more?

This brochure is an abbreviation of a longer document. For details on all items, contact Nick Braito (530.365-.3331).