Why Are We Are Passionate About Global Missions?
God calls His people to “Declare His glory among the nations” (Psalm 96:3). The primary motive for taking the Gospel to all nations is to see Christ praised and enjoyed by redeemed believers from every people group on earth.
How Are We Investing in Global Missions?
We encourage all believers to be involved in making Christ known among all nations through learning, praying, sending, going, welcoming, and mobilizing resources for the fulfillment of the spread of the Gospel among all people groups.
As a church, we are invested in declaring God’s glory among all nations through the following activities:
- Missionary Partnerships: We partner with a number of International Workers who are on the front lines of advancing the Gospel by praying for them, financially supporting them, and partnering with them in other ways as appropriate.
- Financial Support: We aim to invest 15% of our annual church budget in global missionary endeavors.
- Prayer for the Nations for Kids: Currently offered once a month during Kids Connect in Second Service, we aim to equip kids in Grades 3-5 to pray for God’s work around the world.
- Missions Moments: During our worship services, we will frequently take a few minutes to pray for a missionary or give an update on God’s work around the world.
- Short-term Trips: At times we send out teams from our church to serve our International Partners. These trips involve extensive pre-field training and post-trip debriefing.
With Whom Do We Partner?
Our first priority is to partner with missionaries and organizations working to establish Christ’s Church among unreached people groups. This work could involve direct church planting, leadership training, business as missions, or support ministries.
In addition, we understand that God intends for His Church to serve those in need who cannot help themselves. Therefore, we also partner with cross-cultural workers who are reaching out to children and youth or who are ministering to the poor and disenfranchised.
For more information on policies, procedures or perspectives, check on the other links on this page or contact Nick Braito through our church office at 530.365.3331.