Men’s Discipleship

Men’s Discipleship

Disciple (n.): A follower of Jesus Christ. One who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Discipleship at Neighborhood Church is the sovereign work of God to transform our minds and hearts so we become faithful followers of Jesus Christ and all His teachings for a lifetime. We rejoice in the fact that God is developing in us a passion to joyfully display and declare the supremacy of God in all spheres of our lives.

At Neighborhood Church we love to embrace and instruct Christ’s followers in a joy-driven, God-centered, Bible-obedient life. Critical components for this God-honoring life involves understanding the following:

  • God is supreme and supremely glorious
  • God does all things to display His glory
  • God manifests supreme love in commanding us
    to both prize Him and praise Him
  • God is most glorified in us when we are most delighted in Him

Men’s Discipleship Bible Study Groups:

We have teams of about eight men who meet weekly to dig deeply into Holy Scripture for God to satisfy us with Himself, regardless of our situations in life. We seek to encourage each other in discovering, developing, displaying, and declaring joy in God.

Want to join us? Contact Ben Claassen (530.604.1329).